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Our Events
Ladies Bible Study Wednesdays @ 2 p.m.
Mid-week Lenten Services Wednesdays @ 1 p.m.
Bible Study
Sunday Bible Study is following church service around 10:15 a.m. September through May.
Midweek Bible Study is for ladies on Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m.
Thursday Night at 6 p.m.

Ladies' Koinonia
Our mission is to always have a low balance in our checking and savings accounts. Sounds strange, I know, but as you may or may not know, the group's goal is to have fund-raisers and collections; and then find organizations and/or individuals to help with that money. The coffers are useless unless they are disbursed to those in need.

Family Life
We are not only a family in worship, but a family in life. Several times during the year we get together socially to enjoy a baseball game, throw bean bags, have dinners and play games.

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